Bear Creek Park is a small residential neighborhood in Southwest Travis County near Manchaca, Texas, just outside of Austin located just off FM 1626. It was established in 1971 when Mr. O.H. Poole subdivided his farm to become a small residential neighborhood in a rural setting with just one small road in/out of the community. He filed the deed restrictions specifically written to maintain the neighborhood as a residential community with large lots in a rural style. You can have two horses or chickens in enclosed surroundings. Three horses if your lot is over an acre. In addition, Mr. Poole set up the homeowners association as voluntary and dues could not exceed $5/year.


Bear Creek, now a wet weather creek, wraps around the edge of the neighborhood with many homes on the creek’s edge, and flows into Onion Creek. Much of the area behind these homes are in the flood plain. Lots of wildlife is in the area, including fox, armadillos, coyotes, deer, raccoons, bobcats, birds and snakes. It is common to find a variety of fossils are often found after a big rain.


Bear Creek Park is a neighborhood filled with a variety of types of people from all walks of life. We watch out for each other. Through the years we have stood together successfully against outside forces trying to do harm to our little neighborhood. When a small local cemetery was threatened by roads and development, the homeowners association purchased Townsley Cemetery, which is located on our entry road. Neighbors reconstructed the stone walls and continue to maintain it.

© Bear Creek Park Homeowners Association, 2020. All Rights Reserved.